Fill the booking form with all the details and press Book Now, You'll receive a confirmation voucher in your email, please look in the Spam box if you don't find it in your Inbox.
Please check the booking details on your voucher prior to travel and inform if there are any errors.
Please check your SPAM or JUNK MAIL box. If you still have not found your voucher in your email, please contact us (+351 914 017 669) in order to verify your email address in our system.
Online booking and payment facilities are easy and user friendly on website.
At the end of your booking form, you can choose to pay with your credit card or on the arrival in cash directly to the driver. Our drivers are instructed to receive the full amount on the arrival but if you wish, they can receive only for the transfer provided.
Arrival - After collecting your luggage pass through customs and turn left.
Look for your driver at your right hand side by the "Cafe Central"; he will have your name written on a board/paper.
In the unlikely event you don't see your driver at the airport, please call the emergency number: (+351) 914 017 669
Departure - The booking procedure will automatically calculate the return pick time (journey plus 2 hours before your flight).
If you want to change your return pickup time or place, please call at least 48 hours prior your departure date on: (+351) 914 017 669
Print voucher and take it with you during your travels.
We always check flight arrival times and in case of delay we will wait for you or arrange your transfer at the new arrival time.
We will wait approx 1 hour after your landing time in Faro. Should there be a problem with luggage, please advise us by sending one member of your party to find us in arrivals we will be happy to wait for you. If you are travelling alone please call us on +(351) 914 017 669.
By Portuguese law that all children travelling in a car must be subject to the appropriate safety restraint. We offer free of charge Baby or Booster Seats to assured your child travels with safety. Please let us know the ages of your children, so we can provide the proper car seat. Infants (0-2 yrs) and children (3-14 yrs) count in all vehicles as they take up a seat.
We will drop you off and pick you up at the address indicated in your reservation. If the location is new to you then make sure that you are provided by the Holiday Booking Agent with clear driving directions and that you have keys or access to the property.
Baggage space is very dependent upon the number of passengers and the vehicle. Please let know in advance if there will be extra items such as golf clubs, sports equipment, etc., and we will do our best to accommodate them.
Please contact us as soon as possible by e-mail ( or telephone (+351 914 017 669) to inform us of the change in plans.
If you have any special requirements such as stopping points during the journey please indicate them in the Special Requirements Box. (Extra cost may be applied).
It is absolutely forbidden to eat, to drink or smoke in the vehicles. is authorized & legally registered by the Portuguese Government with full comprehensive Insurance Cover. Beware of unlicensed and uninsured transfer companies and individuals, they may be cheaper.